Traditional 2D Animation. Clean Up Workshop

The Clean Up Animation Workshop is designed for those who want to become efficient clean up artists and boost their animation skills.

If you're new to our school, you are required to submit a portfolio for review.

Start date
We will announce the launch date later.
12 weeks
Price per month
415€/month (excl. VAT)
Sign up for the course
[hl]Traditional 2D Animation.[/hl] Clean Up Workshop
Christian Maymo


Christian Maymo

Clean Up Supervisor and 2D Cleanup Artist, worked on Klaus, Looney Tunes Cartoons and others.

About the course

Join our course and become a professional clean up artist! This course is designed for those who want to become efficient clean up artists and boost their animation skills.

Under the guidance of Christian Maymó, a renowned 2D clean-up artist known for his work on Klaus, Space Jam: A New Legacy, Disney’s Disenchanted, and more, you’ll strengthen your 3-dimensional thinking, learn to adapt to different styles, and master line and volume consistency. This workshop also covers cleaning up complex shots, including lip-sync and acting animation.

This three-month intensive course offers hands-on practice, making it suitable for both beginners and advanced animators.

After the course

Upon completing the course, you’ll be ready to perform clean up animation efficiently on professional production, maintaining stylistic consistency across various projects. Your new skills will enable you to apply 3-dimensional thinking to your animations, maintain line and volume consistency, and be able to clean complex shots, including lip-sync and acting animation.

The course is suitable if you:

  • Junior 2D Animator

    If you’ve completed our Basics in Traditional 2D Animation course or have a good grip on the 12 Principles of Animation, this workshop is ideal to master the fundamentals of clean-up while enhancing your drawing skills and understanding of volumes.

  • A working 2D Animator

    If you’re already in the industry, this course will help you level up your clean-up skills, improve 3-dimensional thinking, adapt to different styles, and refine your line and volume consistency.

  • A Clean Up Artist

    Even if you’re already working as a clean-up animator, this course will strengthen your skills. You’ll improve your 3-dimensional thinking, ability to adapt to and replicate various styles, and refine your line and volume consistency.

The course is [hl]suitable[/hl] if you:


First Month

4 lessons

  1. Inbetween a given turn around. Create different expressions for the given character and draw different hand positions.
  2. Inbetween the clean up of a given shot with the keys already done.
  3. Continue with the assignment from lesson 2. Incorporate mentor’s feedback.
  4. Continue with the assignment from lesson 2. Incorporate mentor’s feedback.
  • 4 weeks (please, make sure to have 6+ hours per week for homework)

    4 weeks (please, make sure to have 6+ hours per week for homework)

  • During the first month, you’ll practice clean up inbetweens and get used to different drawing styles while training the eye for 3 dimensionality, as well as the ability to create non-existing drawings using the references.

    During the first month, you’ll practice clean up inbetweens and get used to different drawing styles while training the eye for 3 dimensionality, as well as the ability to create non-existing drawings using the references.

First Month

Second Month

4 lessons

  1. Clean up a given walk cycle creating spotkeys, keys, breakdowns, and inbetweens (beginner level) or clean up a given rougher animation of a dynamic shot that needs to be put on model (advanced level) or clean up of your own shot, briefing the teacher about your chosen style and what you want to achieve (for those who previously studied with Animation Club School).
  2. Continue with the assignment from lesson 1. Incorporate mentor’s feedback.
  3. Continue with the assignment from lesson 1. Incorporate mentor’s feedback.
  4. Continue with the assignment from lesson 1. Incorporate mentor’s feedback.

  • 4 weeks (please, make sure to have 6+ hours per week for homework)

    4 weeks (please, make sure to have 6+ hours per week for homework)

  • During the second month, you’ll cover the whole clean up process practicing the creation of spotkeys, keys, breakdowns, and inbetweens while practicing consistency of line and volumes and resolving model issues.

    During the second month, you’ll cover the whole clean up process practicing the creation of spotkeys, keys, breakdowns, and inbetweens while practicing consistency of line and volumes and resolving model issues.

Second Month

Third Month

4 lessons

  1. Clean up of a given acting shot with lip-sync (beginner and advanced level) or clean up of your own acting shot with lipsync, briefing the teacher about your chosen style and what you want to achieve (for those who previously studied with Animation Club School).
  2. Continue with the assignment from lesson 1. Incorporate mentor’s feedback.
  3. Continue with the assignment from lesson 1. Incorporate mentor’s feedback.
  4. Continue with the assignment from lesson 1. Incorporate mentor’s feedback.
  • 4 weeks (please, make sure to have 6+ hours per week for homework)

    4 weeks (please, make sure to have 6+ hours per week for homework)

  • During the third month, you’ll practice more subtle cleanup of acting shots with lipsync, applying everything that has been learned in the course so far.

    During the third month, you’ll practice more subtle cleanup of acting shots with lipsync, applying everything that has been learned in the course so far.

Third Month

You will learn

Welcome video from the mentor

Apply, Spots left 15 spots


How will the training go?

What software is needed for the course?

About the profession

Christian Maymó

Cleanup Artist & Supervisor, worked on projects such as: Klaus, Looney Tunes Cartoons, Disenchanted and not only

Studios where they work our students after the course

[hl]Traditional 2D Animation.[/hl] Clean Up Workshop

Traditional 2D Animation. Clean Up Workshop

Course fee

415€/month (excl. VAT)


We will announce the launch date later.

Spots left

15 spots

Frequently asked
questions about the course