Flying Bark Productions

"Animation has a unique ability to free a child's imagination and create magical moments. These moments are memories that last a lifetime."

Flying Bark Productions Pty Ltd is internationally recognized as Australia’s leading producer of quality children’s animated entertainment, known for its high quality film and television properties ranging from pre-school to young adult.

The mission of Flying Bark Productions is to create great animated entertainment for children. They employ Australia’s top talents in animation, the visual arts, screen writing and composing to produce a diverse and enchanted range of feature films, television programs and new media products.

Studio Projects:

Wayfinder is a 3 player Co-Op Action RPG featuring intense combat, deep customisation, a huge world to explore and tons of loot to collect. Flying Bark was thrilled to produce the incredible 2D animation featured in the trailer from the 2.52min mark.

-My Jumper, It Roars! (Short film):
Ellie spends her life channelling her frustrations into the collar of her jumper, and one day it decides to fight back. Once a rambunctious kid, life’s pressures have jaded Ellie and she has since grown into a shy woman treading gently and making little outstanding impressions on anyone or anything. She’s had one constant throughout her life: a favourite jumper, a (now more faded) bold, orange relic worn since childhood. Her wallflower status is thrown into disarray when the pent up Jumper comes to life, sick of things left unsaid by Ellie.

-Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie:
When a mysterious stranger arrives from the future with a dire warning, Leo is forced to rise and lead his brothers, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey in a fight to save the world from a terrifying alien species.

Check out the studio website here:

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