Apeship Studios

"A banana peel can become a starship"

Apeship are an animation studio BUILT BY ARTISTS committed to the development of extraordinary ideas. The team is passionate about telling impactful stories through artisan craftsmanship. Amplifying UNIQUE VOICES that enhance each of our PROJECTS.

The Apeship stamp represents the inmeasurable potential of underdog artists and their stories.

"We didn't want to wait for the industry to allow us to tell our own stories, so we brewed up our own gig". Apeship's logo means - greenlight to go nuts, have fun and make a juicer!

Studio Projects:

-The Warmth:
Embark on a mind-bending journey through the streets of San Francisco in an upcoming psychedelic animated thriller, The Warmth. This short film delves deep into the heart of the fentanyl epidemic, exploring themes of addiction and loss through a psychedelic lens that challenges perceptions and sheds light on a real life epidemic through animation.

-Trailer Trash:
“Trailer Trash” is an Apeship original IP and introduces viewers to a truly wild ride in the world of critiquing trailers, featuring two raccoons who embrace their inner redneck while diving deep into the world of film, TV, and video game previews. You can see each new episode on the studios Youtube channel.

"Atención Atención", the Puerto Rican children’s band, entrusted Apeship Studios to bring the magic of “Mariposa” to life. The song is an anthem of children’s empowerment and tells the story of a butterfly finding its unique voice. Apeship Studios created a vibrant world where the unfolds, capturing the hearts of children and adults alike and amassing up to almost half a million views in 7 months on Youtube.

Check out the studio website here: https://apeshipstudios.com/

Studio vacancies

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