Demente Animation Studio

"We are an award-winning animation studio specializing in 3D and 2D animation"

Demente Animation Studio is an animation and illustration studio based in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. They are the "One stop" company, specialized in 3D and 2D animation. Thier clients include Animation production companies, International animation studios, advertising agencies as well as broadcast and production companies in the USA, Canada and the UK.

Studio Projects:

-Night of the Animated Dead - (Feature Film):
Revisit George A. Romero’s 1968 horror classic in an altogether unprecedented presentation as Warner Bros. Home Entertainment releases Night of the Animated Dead, a new, star-studded animated recreation of the thriller.

-El Paso Elsewhere (Music Video):
A captivating 2d Adult animation created for our client Strange Scaffold game studio, featuring James, a narcotics-addicted vampire hunter who is tracking down his ex-girlfriend, Draculae a vampire bent on ending the world, while fighting supernatural creatures.

-House on the Outlands(Trailer):
Demente studios have collaborated with Make Originals and Augenblick Studios to develop an incredible 2D frame-by-frame show about Harmony discovering her powers to fight monsters, demons, and witches in order to protect her family.

Check out the studio website here:

Studio vacancies

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